The Curtain Call
The Spokane Public Facilities District (PFD) is responsible for overseeing the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena, Spokane Convention Center, First Interstate Center for the Arts, and The Podium. The four facilities are among Spokane’s top venues for events and boast themselves as major landmarks of the city. It only makes sense that their long-awaited return had the community jumping for joy.

More Than Just a PSA

With the promise of reopening now in sight, the PFD needed a PSA. New sanitization procedures and health protocols were at the forefront of their communication, led by the team at Power Marketing. The agency called on Colormatics to produce video content for the big announcement. Coined by Power Marketing as “Safe and Sound,” the videos gave way to a full-fledged media campaign.
Rock the House

Spanning across three days to capture each location, the shoot was nothing short of a large-scale production. Colormatics had its hands in every stage of the process, from creative direction to editing. Filming in the actual event spaces was key to recreating the hype of concerts and sport games. Combine that with careful casting and creative staging; You’ll forget that the venues were ever closed!

Events Are Back!
Safe and Sound deployed across the Inland Northwest in the form of digital ads, OTT broadcast, and billboards. With the help of a unique landing page, viewers were directed to information and resources about PFD’s new safety practices.
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